Walkout Song DJ > FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Hard to change cue time


Krista butler:
I'm having a hard time changing the cue time for a song. If I hold down the + button it doesn't advance more than .01 of a second. It is not allowing me to select anything in the middle of the song.

UpAllnite Software:
It sounds Like the app is having trouble reading the length of the song. how did you add it to the app? Was it from iTunes or imported from email? 

Krista butler:
I loaded the songs from iTunes. The whole song is there, it is just hard for me to get it to cue 2 minutes into the song.

UpAllnite Software:
Is it just one particular song or do you have the issue with all the songs?

Have you tried tapping and dragging down on the minutes digits of the cue value, that should scroll up to 2 minutes in one motion.

You can also drag the song slider up to around 2 minutes and press the [ button to set the cue at that point.

Krista butler:
Oh, wow. That was not intuitive, but yes that works. Thanks


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