Randomized Annoucements

Started by BrentNorrisKY, February 26, 2023, 01:50:58 PM

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I am planning to pre-record announcements, but instead of just the same announcement I was wanting to make a pool of recordings and have the app either cycle through them or just randomly pick one.

Any chance that could be added to the android app?


UpAllnite Software

So you would be putting these announcements in the situational section?  If so, if you put them all in one group, I could add a shuffle button to that section like I have in pregame and inning break section so you could randomize that group at the game start playing them in random order, but not duplicating.

Would that accomplish your goal?


Sorry I explained poorly.

I was talking about player announcements.

So like have multiple ones,

"now coming to the plate #1 Julie Norris!"
"stepping into the box, #1 Julie Norris!"


UpAllnite Software

Ah, ok, hmmm...  That could be done but would not be a simple modification.  The database structure would need to be changed to accommodate the multiple announcements and that would ripple through many other aspects.  I can add that to my future feature list, but it would definitely need to wait until a lower risk time of year when the prospect of breaking changes won't impact so many spring users. 

Thank you for the suggestion and I will update this thread when any progress is made.


no worries man. I appreciate you working on it if you find a way to do it.


Was thinking about this some more, would it make it easier if you aimed your selection at a playlist?  Would that make the changes easier?

Like instead of :

#1 Player A -> Player A Annoucement

could you do:

#1 Player A -> Player A Playlist

and then just have the annoucement files in a playlist in the situational or music section?

UpAllnite Software

That would simplify the implementation a bit.  Only drawback I see is in the confusion level it could cause with more basic users.  You are the only one that has ever mentioned this feature need in the 10 years the app has been out so I don't suspect many others will understand the pointer from announcements to lists.


Oh I'm sure. It just occurred to me one day. As the normal stadium announcer I try to change my player announcements up.

This year I was going to try to do it all with this and add I was seeing it up I realized they would get the same thing every time, so I was just brain storming how I could still mix it up.

UpAllnite Software

One thought that might get you by until I can add something... you could create multiple versions of the same team with the same setup just different announcements, then pick a different team version for each game.  There is a copy player option from one team to another in the walkout section that might speed the setup process.  Not actually random, but you could make it seem that way.


Hey Yeah, not a bad idea at all