Author Topic: Release Notes for version 2.1.8  (Read 6306 times)

UpAllnite Software

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Release Notes for version 2.1.8
« on: March 13, 2014, 08:21:55 am »
The following improvements are included in Walkout Song DJ release 2.1.8 which was released to the app store on Mar 13, 2014.

Manual Fade Button:
There is a new button in the header of the app that will allow the user to immediately fade the playing song. This is very useful in cases where the batter is ready earlier then planned or the inning break ends faster than average.

Option for automated voice announcement of batter after walkout song (iOS7):
There is a new toggle switch in the Walkout Songs pages of the iOS settings app entitled "Enable Player Announcement".  When this toggle switch is enabled, there will be a computer voice automated reading of the player number and name after the walkout song begins to fade.  Obviously, the quality of the reading depends entirely on the accuracy of the player data entry.  You may also need to adjust the spelling of the name to get the correct pronunciation.  Also note, although the toggle switch exists for all iOS versions, the automated voice is only available only in iOS 7 or greater.

Grey out 'between innings' song titles that were already played that day
As you play songs from the between innings page, the titles for the songs are marked with a lighter grey font.  This allows you to quickly determine which songs you have already played on that particular day.  The song items will reset to the normal font if the between innings page is opened on a new date.  There is also a reset button in the table header to allow you to reset the titles whenever necessary.

Scroll the player cell into view when editing
Prior to this version, when you tried to edit a player or situation name that was at the bottom of the table, the iOS keyboard would cover the entry so you were forced to type blindly.  This has now been corrected by scrolling the entry into view.

Change from stop button to pause button in app header
The icon image for the toggled play/pause in the header of the app was changed from a square stop image to the traditional pause image.  The functionality has not changed and the player state has always been pause when that image is displayed so this change just brings consistency to the UI.