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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions / Failed to get streaming info
« Last post by Ljteems on August 10, 2023, 01:14:33 pm »
Downloading songs for the new team and am getting an error: "failed to get streaming info". I redownload the file in case there were any updates, but that didn't seem to work for any song entry to find. Any suggestions?
Release Notes / New release 1.0.14
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on August 09, 2023, 10:01:49 am »
New update for the simple song collector

-use latest newpipeextractor library to fix "could not get any stream" error
What's new:
- Added an external speaker wakeup option to avoid missing the start of announcements and music for ION and similar speaker models
Enhancement Requests / Re: MAC compatibility
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on June 28, 2023, 01:59:21 pm »
I have made an attempt at that using the new catalyst mode in the m1/m2 macs, but the emulation of the iOS music player is very poor... you cannot play songs from the cloud, the player does not report the current playback time so the app can't stop the song on configured duration, the volume control doesn't work, etc.   I will keep an eye on the catalyst interface as new Mac versions are released to see if any of that gets fixed.  Until then it isn't really an option for me to support.
Enhancement Requests / MAC compatibility
« Last post by BTerhune on June 28, 2023, 01:35:54 pm »
Any chance on making compatible with a MAC?
Issue Reporting / Re: Bluetooth Delay
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on June 24, 2023, 06:04:28 am »
The wake-up speaker option was actually already released a week or so ago on the Android version of the app.  If you get the latest update, you should see the option in the audio section of the settings page of the app.  Please let us know if that option works for you.
Issue Reporting / Re: Bluetooth Delay
« Last post by Mrmessy on June 23, 2023, 08:53:00 am »
Thanks for the work on this. I'll submit the request to get the beta.
Issue Reporting / Re: Music plays randomly
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on June 01, 2023, 09:57:14 pm »
I have never heard a report of random music playing from the app in the 10 years the app has been released so you must have some pretty unique situation going there.  Not really sure what to suggest to figure out what is going on.  If the song title isn't showing in the top right of the app, then it really doesn't seem likely that the app is actually triggering that playback.  It seems more likely that some other app or maybe the Apple Music app is going rogue and playing things. 

Are the random songs actual songs you have added and configured in the app?  Are they songs in your library on the device?  What type of communication link do you use with the audio equipment?  Any chance someone else is taking control of that equipment?  Have you ever heard the oddity when not connected with external equipment?
Issue Reporting / Music plays randomly
« Last post by NotoriousRJV on June 01, 2023, 09:38:25 pm »
I’ve used this app for several years and love it. This year I’ve had 2 or 3 games where music spontaneously begins playing. I don’t hit anything. It doesn’t even show a song is playing on the timer in the upper left side. It’s embarrassing (These are high school games) and has made me lose faith in this app. Anyone else ever experience this? The first time it happened I wondered if it had soemthing to do with the audio equipment at the facility but now it’s happened at multiple facilities. I’ve even tried closing out of all apps and restarting my iPad only for it to happen again later in the game. Help!
Issue Reporting / Re: Bluetooth Delay
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on May 30, 2023, 02:27:56 pm »
I have an Android beta prepared that should address this issue.  The update has a new "Send external speaker wakeup" option on the settings.  If that is enabled, the app will check if the current audio route is through an external speaker.  If so, it will send a 1.5 second inaudible audio chunk to the speaker before playing announcements or songs to get the speaker ready to play.

Beta for this version 2.5.38 should start today 5/30/23 and anyone with the app installed can email to be added to the beta participant list.
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