Walkout Song DJ > Enhancement Requests

Ability to search for song in "imported songs" folder

<< < (2/4) > >>

UpAllnite Software:
Nice, but perhaps too wordy for iphone layout...   What about a list of the icons for the pages that the song appears on?

Icons or even abbreviations would work.   

UpAllnite Software:
I think that will work.  See what I can do. 

Also note version 2.5.14 available in the app store today has the alphabetical index for the imports.  Let me know how that works for you while I work on the song usage icons.

Thank you for adding the ability to view songs alphabetically.  It is exactly what I was looking for. 

UpAllnite Software:
Just released a new Apple version 2.5.15 in the app store that includes your request for imported file indicators of usage in the app.  I use phased release so you will probably need to go directly to the app store to get the update on demand.  Please let me know how that looks on your setup.


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