UpAllNite Software

Walkout Song DJ => Issue Reporting => Topic started by: Paulda12 on May 18, 2018, 06:55:14 PM

Title: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: Paulda12 on May 18, 2018, 06:55:14 PM
I add songs from my Apple music playlists once they have been downloaded to my phone. The songs add and play just fine but moments later, if I try to play a song, the entire playlist says it's no longer on the device anymore even though it is. I went through once deleting every song (over 150) and redownloaded them to my phone, added to the Walkout Song DJ app, and the same issue occurred. The error is "File Not Found - [Song] is no longer on your device. Please redownload the song or chose a new one." Again, the songs are downloaded and the entire playlist says it isn't. I have the most updated version with IOS 2.3.20
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: UpAllnite Software on May 18, 2018, 08:13:40 PM
Have you tried it with a smaller number of songs?  It sounds like your device might be removing the songs after you download them possibly because there is not enough space for them all?

If that is not the case, them I would recommend power cycle of the device to flush any possible corruption in the iTunes library.
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: Paulda12 on May 18, 2018, 08:37:57 PM
My device is a brand new iPod touch 6th gen 32gb, and it's sole purpose is to play music for my summer team. So I know there is plenty of storage on it.

I went through and deleted all the songs again, then restarted the iPod, and added the songs to the app. Once the app is closed and reopened, the problem occurs again. Every song says it isn't on the device anymore.
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: UpAllnite Software on May 18, 2018, 10:35:10 PM
I'm kinda baffled as to what is happening with your ipod.  When you add an Apple music song to the app it saves the library id, the song artist and title to a database.  When you try to play it, it asks the iTunes library for the song by id which usually works unless the library has been resynched.  If that lookup by id fails, the app tries to query for the song by artist and title which should also work if the song exists in the library and is downloaded from the cloud.  The fact that all those queries are failing almost immediately after you add the song, suggests that the iTunes library on the device must be badly corrupted so that queries to it are failing.  I will try to research if there is a way to reset it.
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: UpAllnite Software on May 18, 2018, 10:45:43 PM
One thing you could try is to go into the Music app on your device, remove one of the songs from the library, add it back, download from the cloud then try that one again in the walkout song app.  That would force the iTunes library to refresh its database entry for the song.
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: Paulda12 on May 18, 2018, 10:58:45 PM
Could the issue be that I'm adding a playlist as a whole rather each individual song from the library? I think I may have created a playlist, but the songs themselves were not considered to be in my music library.
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: Paulda12 on May 18, 2018, 11:16:22 PM
I believe I found the problem. Just because I added songs to a playlist in my library, didn't mean they were actually in the library. Possibly the app was trying to search in the library for song rather than in the playlist. I added each song individually to my library and then to the app and so far no issues. I have closed the app and restarted the device and all the songs were able to be played. Maybe something that Apple Music should fix on their part. Thank you for the help!
Title: Re: "File not Found" - Song not downloaded to device
Post by: UpAllnite Software on May 19, 2018, 12:00:23 AM
Definately could be some disconnect between what songs are in a playlist and those actually on the device.  Going song by song and making sure each are in the iTunes library and downloaded before adding to the app is the way to go.  I will do some testing around your theory and see if I can figure out what goes wrong and how I can avoid or at least warn others when they get into this confusing state.

Thank you for your patience and help figuring a workaround!