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Messages - UpAllnite Software

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 37
Excellent...  appreciate the follow up comment for anyone else having the same issue.

Issue Reporting / Re: Adjusting the level on songs
« on: March 31, 2022, 01:13:06 pm »
Then there should be a gain control visible in the song configuration screen that is accessed with the arrow at the end of the player row.   Turn that down some and see if you can match the announcement volume.

Issue Reporting / Re: Pregame Songs
« on: March 31, 2022, 01:11:02 pm »
I don't see the email yet with your configuration...   Maybe retry the send.

Have you tried killing the Apple Music app and restarting the device?  The Apple Music app is the one actually playing those songs and it has been known to act up occasionally. 

Have you physically downloaded the songs to your iPad in the iTunes library or are they playing from the cloud.  If you haven't downloaded them, you might try that as well.

What version of iPad and iOS are you using?   

Have you tried running it on a different Apple device?

There is quite a big difference between playing a playlist in the Apple Music app and the controlled playback from the Walkout songs app necessary for seeking, fading, and mixing.  There is a new Apple Music player spawned for each song and a parallel file player to allow the playback to continue if the phone sleeps.  It is quite a mess but is required to workaround the multitude of limitations and idiosyncrasies that the Apple Music player has.

I no longer have an iPhone 8 to test the scenario you describe, but I did have one at one time and don't recall any issues like you describe.  You mentioned you are still on iOS 14?  That particular version did have some nasty bugs in the Apple Music playback...   Is it possible for you to upgrade to a 15.x and see if the problem goes away?

Issue Reporting / Re: Adjusting the level on songs
« on: March 31, 2022, 10:01:38 am »
Are the songs in the iTunes library from an Apple Music subscription or are they purchased songs or song files you imported to iTunes?

I'm not sure I follow... so if the iPhone is just playing through its speaker, then the issue does not occur?  And when you plug into the stereo system, the issue does occur?  If that is true, I would not suspect any problem with the phone or the app, but possibly something going on with the adapter between the lightning plug of the phone and the stereo system.

The issue that started this thread has been fixed and required a specific '*' character in the name of an imported file to cause the problem.   Not likely to be the issue you are having...

Are you using a Bluetooth speaker when you are having these playback problems?

Issue Reporting / Re: Pregame Songs
« on: March 30, 2022, 01:40:45 pm »
hmmm... that's a weird one.  Have not heard that reported before.  Could you go on the settings page of the app and share your data via email to me at   I will see if I can reproduce the problem and find a solution.

Issue Reporting / Re: Pregame Songs
« on: March 30, 2022, 05:17:58 am »
Are you using a Bluetooth speaker when this occurs?

Issue Reporting / Re: Apple Music
« on: March 17, 2022, 08:19:45 am »
The M1 mac arrived Tuesday and I started testing yesterday.   I am able to duplicate the playback error you found and the root cause of the problem is a bug in the Apple Music player on Mac where the player does not update the current playback time so my app has no clue if the song is actually playing.  I also found a number of other serious incompatibilities with volume control and such that make the Apple Music playback on mac unusable.  Playback with actual music files seems to work ok, so for now I may just remove the Apple Music integration when the App is installed on a Mac.  Hopefully, Apple will improve the Apple music compatibility in future versions and I can restore that functionality.

Issue Reporting / Re: Apple Music
« on: March 12, 2022, 07:01:41 pm »
I just ordered a new Mac mini with the M1 chip so I can test what you are seeing.  It was not possible to run my Walkout Song DJ app on a Mac before this year, but now that it is, I agree that a Mac would be a pretty good platform for the app, more people will try it, and I really need to be able to test with one.

It is scheduled for delivery on Tuesday, so I should have some clarity on the issue you are seeing this week.  In the meantime, I would recommend trying it on an iPhone or iPad you have available so we can confirm the Mac environment is the culprit.

Issue Reporting / Re: Apple Music
« on: March 12, 2022, 01:58:28 pm »
That's going to be tricky for me to solve as I do not have a MacBook Air available and I have never tested the app on anything but iPhones, iPads, and iPods.  I will take a look at the code around that error message to see if there is a clue as to what might cause it.

Has that error message always happened with the Apple Music on this device or did it work before and broke recently?

General Discussion / Re: Announcement being cut off
« on: February 13, 2022, 02:40:09 pm »
Sadly, many Bluetooth speakers in combination with iPhones are not very good at mixed music sources (announcements and Apple music) either delaying or cutting off or muting the music or announcements.  You can verify that is the issue by playing the announcements through just your iphone speaker.  If they work correctly that way, then I would recommend just using a long aux cable between your phone and the speaker.  You can buy an iPhone aux adapter on amazon for around $8 and a 25 ft aux cable for less than $10.  Generally, the performance of the app is much better if you can avoid bluetooth.

General Discussion / Re: Announcement being cut off
« on: February 13, 2022, 01:58:18 pm »
Are you playing them over a Bluetooth speaker by chance?  Is this on Android or Apple?

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Song time selection
« on: February 07, 2022, 07:52:49 am »
Tap the > button at the end of the player row to open the song configuration screen.  Then set the cue time to the time you want to start playing and the duration for how long you want to play.

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