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Messages - UpAllnite Software

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Issue Reporting / Re: HELP! ASAP! Frozen app and I have a game tomorrow!
« on: February 05, 2022, 06:18:52 am »
Thanks for reporting the issue and sending the file and your data collection.  I was able to duplicate the issue, figure out the cause and get a fix uploaded to the App Store.  Hopefully, Apple will finish their review in the next day or two.

Issue Reporting / Re: HELP! ASAP! Frozen app and I have a game tomorrow!
« on: February 04, 2022, 06:12:32 pm »
Is this on Android or Apple?  Can you email that file to me so I can try to reproduce here?  I very likely can fix it, but the release process through the app stores always takes several days.  It would probably be quicker for you to export your settings and email them to yourself.  Uninstall the app to clear everything, reinstall and import your settings back.  Then you would just need to reimport the files without the bad one,

Issue Reporting / Re: Sound Effects Clipping
« on: October 31, 2021, 08:00:43 am »
Did you notice the issue with the Apple or the Android version?

General Discussion / Re: Having trouble importing MP3 on Ipad
« on: August 26, 2021, 07:04:24 pm »
Can you try emailing the mp3 file to me at so I can try to duplicate what your seeing?

General Discussion / Re: Music
« on: June 23, 2021, 02:52:50 pm »
The best app for downloading mp3s on any Android device is my simple song collector that you can find a link for on this thread:

If you really want to purchase songs, my recommendation is to use Amazon in a browser on a pc to download and then upload to your device with a usb or google drive. 

There really is no Android app that I am aware of for purchasing songs that would allow easy access to the resulting mp3 files.

Best Walkout Songs / Re: Walkout Song Of the day
« on: April 15, 2021, 06:04:38 am »
Thanks for reviving the topic...

I used to gather the most popular songs by logging app usage, but new privacy laws make that a legal minefield a solo developer can't really navigate so I let that go.  It's also been 4 years since my last kid played his last high school game so I don't even know what's popular for Walkout Songs these days.  :)

Counting on you guys to let the users know what's lit!

Issue Reporting / Re: Screen goes black when trying to add songs purchased
« on: February 19, 2021, 01:57:29 pm »
Excellent...  glad you are up and running again!

Issue Reporting / Re: Screen goes black when trying to add songs purchased
« on: February 19, 2021, 07:52:24 am »
I would suggest:
Make sure you have the latest version of Walkout Songs App 2.5.28
Kill and restart the Apple Music app as that is the host application for the iTunes song picker.
Kill and restart the Walkout Song app
Go to your device settings app and make sure the Walkout Song app has permission to access your "Media & Apple Music"
Power down and restart your device

If none of that works...  do a screen recording of you trying to open the iTunes song picker and email it to me at walkoutsongdj @

Issue Reporting / Re: Walk out music Lagging and delayed
« on: February 13, 2021, 08:55:36 am »
If you are on Apple, get the latest update of the app from the App Store.  I did a recent fix for that problem that Apple introduced with iOS 14.3

Issue Reporting / Re: Edit Song Name and Artist
« on: February 12, 2021, 08:15:27 am »
That function is based on the file format being mp3 and file permission allowing the Walkout Songs app to write to them.  If you can locate the files in your android file manager, make sure they are in mp3 format and then you could try moving them to another location where the Walkout Song app would have better access to write to them. 

Some other Android options include the free online video converter at

Put in the song title and artist in their search bar and their web site will locate the youtube video for it and let you download as an mp3 music file. You can either download on a pc/laptop or directly on your Android.   They do limit you to 10 per day, but that works reasonably well in a couple days to get all you need for the app.

A little more expensive would be buying the songs individually from Amazon, download on a pc and copy to your device with usb cable.  You can also use the Amazon music app to purchase and download on your Android. They charge like 1.19 per song.

A little less expensive would be buying the songs individually from , or similar discount mp3 sites.  They charge around .10 per song and the files can be directly downloaded on your Android.

I wrote a very simple open source Android app to gather walkout songs from YouTube called 'Simple Song Collector'
You can download it from here:
(may need to long tap and select download link on newer Android devices)

You may need to change your Android settings when prompted to allow sideload installation from your browser and override safety warnings, but there are no ads, tracking, or malware included so it is safe to do so.

Just enter title and artist in the search, pick the best match, tap the download button and it will add the song to your android files and Walkout Songs DJ will be able to see and use them in the 'My Music' selector.  If you need to browse for the song files, they will be in the "Downloads/SimpleSongFinder" folder of your Android file manager.  The Simple Song Finder also provides a choice of music or video search from the three dot button in the upper right.  Some songs seem to only be available in the video category.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Announcer
« on: June 21, 2020, 04:56:51 am »
Contact Donny Baarns at  His email contact is   You can see his background information and sports announcing experience on his website.  An example of his voice announcement is attached.

Please do a quick screenshot in the Walkout Song DJ app of the team you want announcements for.  Then do a voice memo on your phone with the proper pronunciation of your players.  Email those to Donny's contact email with any detail on how you want the announcement worded and he will create an announcement file for each player for around $4 per player.  He will send you MP3 announcement files in an email.  Tap on the files, open with Walkout songs to import, and pick announcement as the type.  Then for each player, tap the arrow to the right of their row, tap the announcement selector, pick imported file, and then pick the file you imported that matches the player.

Issue Reporting / Re: Family Sharing the App on iPhone?
« on: May 22, 2020, 02:59:00 pm »
No, the family share functionality is at the iOS operating system level and my app has no control over it. 

I do see some steps to try from a google search:

and, as they mention at the end, if those steps do not solve the issue, open a support ticket with Apple to see if they can get it working for you.  It sure should be working.

General Discussion / Re: AirDrop
« on: May 11, 2020, 08:26:43 am »
The latest update version 2.5.26 for iOS available from the App Store has a fix to restore the direct air drop functionality for mp3 and m4a files.  If you could give it a try and see how it works, I would appreciate confirmation that it works.

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