Walkout Song DJ > Enhancement Requests



Could you add an option where you choose to use Text to Speach or a Recording, to play the announcement before or after the walk up song?

love the recording feature by the way!

UpAllnite Software:
Yes, that features is already on the list for the next version.  The implementation will likely be some method to allow the user to arbitrarily align the song and announcement based on time.

Perfect!   when is the next release scheduled?

UpAllnite Software:
There is no hard schedule for releases because it's just me writing when I have spare time.  However, I try to avoid putting out releases from mid-February to June so I can avoid breaking things for people using the app for their season.

I just bought the app, and while I love it, I'm also a bit disappointed it doesn't have this feature.

I'll anxiously wait for the update.


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