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Messages - Morb1us

Pages: [1]
Issue Reporting / Re: IOS 13 problems
« on: September 17, 2019, 07:39:10 am »
Glad you mentioned something. I am in the beta for 13 and my WalkUp DJ is essentially a black screen when trying to import songs from iTunes. Looking for an alternative app for our game Thursday, but will be back shortly once this is resolved.

Thanks for being on top of it.

Enhancement Requests / IOS Multitasking / Split screen Support
« on: June 03, 2019, 07:49:01 am »
If you have to run multiple apps on an iPad like GameChanger it would be great to have a condensed Multitasking view. This would allow us to trigger audio effortlessly while being able to continue to control Gamechanger.



Enhancement Requests / Re: Announcement/Song blend
« on: March 26, 2019, 10:03:03 pm »
Purchased imported songs. I realized that the announcement I used had a little bit of pad at the end. After trimming this, the transition is considerably smaller. However, still noticeable. The ability to adjust the fade from .25 - 1.5 I think still would be beneficial.

Enhancement Requests / Re: Announcement/Song blend
« on: March 25, 2019, 09:36:11 pm »
I'm excited you were able to add this feature in. Now to be a little nit picky, it would be amazing if we could manually adjust the blend time between the announcement and the music starting.

For instance, I have a recorded announcement and the music is playing low behind it (which is perfect). However, when the announcement is over it takes roughly 1.5 seconds to fade the volume up on the music. Would be great to have control of this.

Still the best walkout song app.

- Morb1us

Pages: [1]