Bluetooth Delay

Started by Mrmessy, May 15, 2023, 12:31:11 PM

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I'm using a Samsung S21ultra, although this has happened on my previous Samsung as well.  I'm also using the text to speech function.

When I play the next batter, there is a delay in the Bluetooth speaker playing the voice announcement. So, the announcement seems to be cutoff.

I've tried pushing the slider to the right for when to start the voice and music, but that doesn't work.

Is there a way to insert a 1 or 2 second gap in the beginning to catch up with the Bluetooth to speaker delay?

I am currently adding time to the song and starting it first to make up for the gap, but I would prefer the announcement to be separate from the song.

And I would not like to use an aux adapter and cable either as that is very inconvenient.

Great product otherwise.

UpAllnite Software

What model of bluetooth speaker are you using? 

I am working on a solution for some very poorly designed bluetooth speakers that go to sleep very quickly and require several seconds of actual audio signal to wake up.  For these specific speakers, an aux cord is not even a solution because the sleep and wakeup issue happens with aux or bluetooth.  Android actually does a pretty good job with bluetooth and the aux cord recommendation is not really applicable.  I am currently waiting on delivery of an ION pathfinder so I can test the solution.  Luckily, it seems there are thousands of these pieces of garbage speakers available in either open box or used condition because of how often they are returned.

It's a pretty tricky implementation because I have to send some audio signal to the speaker for the wakeup to occur, but it cannot be audible so the audience won't hear it, and it is only applicable for these poorly designed speakers so I have to make a toggle on or off in the settings.


Thanks for the quick reply. I've tried 3 different speakers and they all have the problem. The first is the Sonos move. The ion pathfinder 320, and also the tribit stormbox micro 2.


UpAllnite Software

The ION pathfinder is still in transit... FedEx seems to have lost track of it 😡.  Hopefully, they will figure out where it is and get it here early next week.  In the meantime, I had a thought on a possible workaround that might tell me how likely my solution would work.  I think you could download a white noise mp3 file (easy to find on Google), create a dummy player, assign it the white noise for a song, turn its announcement to none, and then tap that player briefly before tapping the real player.  That should allow you a simple way to wake the speaker if it's been long enough for it to go to sleep.


That's a work around, but It's actually more convenient for me to just start the music a few seconds earlier and fade it in.

I've tested with the other major app and it doesn't have this issue. So I don't think it's an issue with the devices.

UpAllnite Software

The other major app uses two tap hacks to work around the issues with these devices.

UpAllnite Software

I have an Android beta prepared that should address this issue.  The update has a new "Send external speaker wakeup" option on the settings.  If that is enabled, the app will check if the current audio route is through an external speaker.  If so, it will send a 1.5 second inaudible audio chunk to the speaker before playing announcements or songs to get the speaker ready to play.

Beta for this version 2.5.38 should start today 5/30/23 and anyone with the app installed can email to be added to the beta participant list.


Thanks for the work on this. I'll submit the request to get the beta.

UpAllnite Software

The wake-up speaker option was actually already released a week or so ago on the Android version of the app.  If you get the latest update, you should see the option in the audio section of the settings page of the app.  Please let us know if that option works for you.