Walkout Song DJ > FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Does software work with Spotify

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Can you add me to the beta? I also would love spotify support ASAP. Also, my the duration on the settings page isn’t working and it is taking the duration that is chosen when cutting the song to length instead

UpAllnite Software:
I suspect Spotify support will be years away if ever.  Spotify just does not seem to care for third party apps.

On the settings page the two default duration settings only apply to the walkout song page and the between inning page.  On the other pages, the default duration is full length of the song.  Does that explain the duration issue you described?

can I be on the BETA list none of my song I got on my laptop worked... :-[

UpAllnite Software:
Are you using Android or Apple and where are the songs you were hoping to use?


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