Walkout Song DJ > FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Does software work with Spotify

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UpAllnite Software:
Yes, i added you to the beta list.  still a few weeks out for a beta with spotify support, but you should be notified with an Apple email when it is.

Can I be added to Beta?

UpAllnite Software:
Yes, I will add you to the beta, but there is a new roadblock in the path to supporting Spotify...

For a commercial app (the 4.99 price point of wsdj qualifies) to support Spotify music sources, I must have written consent from Spotify.  I did apply for that consent a week or so ago, but I have heard nothing back and from what I read in forums, it can take years to get a response  and they are pretty picky on giving that consent so I'm not sure I will get the approval.

I do have much of the functionality working to support Spotify, but for the moment I have suspended that effort pending Spotify approval.

There are some other important features on the wsdj todo list so I do plan a beta some time in early summer for those and you will get notice of that beta release from Apple when it is available.

Can I be added to the beta?  Any update on using Spotify?


UpAllnite Software:
No, still no response from Spotify.  As soon, as I get a response from Spotify, I will post it here.

 I would recommed sending a request to Spotify saying you would really like to use your Spotify subscription with Walkout Song DJ, but the developer is still waiting for their approval.


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