Walkout Song DJ > Issue Reporting

Player announcement talking too fast....


We just did the software update on our Ipad to IOS 8.0.  And now when I use app it says the players name and number too fast.  It's like I have a fast forward button on.  Need some help didn't know what else to do. It was fine before I did update so didn't know if there was something that might have changed

UpAllnite Software:
Nothing has changed in the app itself to cause the speech rate to change, but I did run some tests comparing the speech result on iOS 8 and iOS 7 and it does sound about twice as fast on iOS 8.  I have a new version of Walkout Song DJ prepared that I was just waiting to release until I had some feedback from people using it with iOS 8. There always seems to be some little issues like this whenever a new iOS version is released.  I suspect I will need to add a speech rate setting on the app settings page to allow tuning the rate to your taste.

I appreciate the feedback.  Please look for that new version in the next week or so.  Hopefully, that will get you back operational again.


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