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General Discussion / Re: How to get/use music other than using itunes
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on April 21, 2024, 09:01:13 pm »
If you can get the song in an audio file you can open on your iOS device, you should be able to share it to walkout song DJ which will put it in the imported file folder of the app where you can pick it for a player. 

Getting a video from YouTube to a song file format is pretty tricky on iOS device, but if you have access to an Android device or a windows pc where you could install the Android emulator called Bluestacks... the you could use the simple song collector that we provide a link for on this thread:
General Discussion / How to get/use music other than using itunes
« Last post by disneyfamilyfive on April 21, 2024, 07:51:31 pm »
I have used itunes the last couple years to add songs for each player.  I have a couple players this year that have songs that are not available on itunes, but I can find on youtube (they are older songs - maybe too old for itunes?)
1. What are other methods of uploading songs to the walkout song app?
2. I am not tech savvy, if you have ways to share, outside of itunes, could you please provide directions as to how to download the songs and then upload to the app.

Thank you!!!
Issue Reporting / Re: Data share from android to android
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on April 17, 2024, 08:50:31 pm »
Yes, send them the songs too.  Those cannot be shared directly by the app to avoid issues with the music industry.  If you used the song collector, those should be in a simplesongfinder folder off your downloads folder.
Issue Reporting / Data share from android to android
« Last post by AG1603 on April 17, 2024, 08:32:43 pm »
I went to settings to share data,and emailed them to a person with the app. They uploaded and all the songs show up, but won't play. It days the songs are not available. Any fix?
Enhancement Requests / Re: Third-party streaming apps -
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on April 10, 2024, 01:52:18 pm »
The Spotify problem is a legal one and I don't expect them to drop the objection soon or probably ever.   Can't make any progress if they won't come to the table.
Enhancement Requests / Third-party streaming apps -
« Last post by gigglebuke on April 10, 2024, 09:37:51 am »

Has there been any strides made with leveraging apps like Spotify or is Apple Music still the only third-party source?

If not, is there a roadmap to get there or is it solely on Spotify to allow the integration? 

Enhancement Requests / Re: Song sorting
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on March 29, 2024, 03:14:54 pm »
ok, I will add your request to the todo list.  Hopefully, I can add a little logic change in there to smarten up the shuffle just a bit.
Enhancement Requests / Re: Song sorting
« Last post by jelsas26 on March 29, 2024, 08:49:31 am »
Yes in pregame lists.  Yes it would be nice if the same artist wasn’t back to back when shuffling.
Enhancement Requests / Re: Song sorting
« Last post by UpAllnite Software on March 27, 2024, 11:10:48 am »
Where is this occurring in the app?  I'm guessing in the pregame list.  So you would like to avoid the same artist back to back when you tap the shuffle?
Enhancement Requests / Song sorting
« Last post by jelsas26 on March 27, 2024, 09:46:50 am »
I’m getting the same artists’ songs back to back when sorting. Could the software be enhanced to check for this and sort to ensure the same artist isn’t played back to back?  Thank you. Software is great. Makes games very easy.
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