Author Topic: Professional voice announcements  (Read 19768 times)

UpAllnite Software

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Professional voice announcements
« on: March 10, 2017, 12:34:37 pm »
Did you know?

With the latest version of Walkout Song DJ, you can use professional voice announcements for your players! Do a screen shot of your team roster from the Walkout Song page and send it Casey Motter at Casey is the stadium announcer for the Atlanta Braves. For a pretty reasonable price, he will record announcements for each of your players and send an email back to you with all the announcement files. Simply open Casey's email on your device, long tap each announcement file and select 'Copy to Walkout Songs' and the announcement will be available to select for your player from the announcement picker.


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Re: Professional voice announcements
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2018, 10:42:11 am »
I got the professional voice announcement done with Casey Motter and it worked just fine for our first three tournaments but this past weekends tournament it would only play the music and not the voice announcement for the kids. Some would play it and some it would be just the music. I have Apple Music and using the Apple on a tablet. Everything is on the tablet and phones as far as announcements and music goes. It looks like in the app it is playing it but the sound is down or something. Does this have to do with the music, the app, or the announcements being made. I have tried reloading the app, reloading the music, import and export to another device, and also enabled and disabled the announcements. It plays just fine on the phone but when hooked up to Bluetooth speaker it started to act up. Need help please.

UpAllnite Software

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Re: Professional voice announcements
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2018, 11:35:32 am »
First verify that you have the latest version of the App.  The Apple Music support had some problems in the first couple versions and then iOS 11.3 added some bugs in the Apple system player which required work arounds.

If you are still having issues,  could you tell me if you are doing the announcements before or after the walkout song?  Could you also tell me the brand of bluetooth speaker you are using?

With that info, I could do some tests here to see if I can duplicate the issue and find a fix or workaround...

If you wish to just avoid any possible problems, I would recommend avoiding using Apple Music song sources for the walkout songs with announcements.   Apple forces me to use and manipulate the system player and system volume for playing and fading Apple Music songs.  It works pretty well when directly wired, but there are some bluetooth speakers that do not handle the volume change very well.

If you instead use purchased songs for the walkouts, then the app can manipulate the raw audio samples to do the fading and avoid any manipulation of the system volume.


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Re: Professional voice announcements
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2018, 02:59:53 pm »
I am new to this app. How do I check to see if I have the most up to date version.

UpAllnite Software

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Re: Professional voice announcements
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2018, 03:08:34 pm »
You can find out if you have the latest by searching in the app store for "walkout song dj" and then checking the results.  If it gives you an update button, then you can update, if the button is open, then you have the latest.

Could you tell me a bit about what issue you are having?


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Re: Professional voice announcements
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2018, 05:06:09 pm »
I am not 100% sure I know how to use it. When I click on announcements there is nothing there just an edit button when I click on it it just shows a blank screen is there some where I can go to learn how to use the app

UpAllnite Software

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Re: Professional voice announcements
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2018, 07:35:09 pm »
That just means you havent imported any announcement files yet.  There are three announcement options available for your players... text to speech - where the computer announces, recorded - where you just record into the device microphone, or imported file - where you open an email attached announcement file that somebody records for you.