I searched the forum tonight and couldn't find anyone bringing up this topic, so I figured I'd add my query. I usually use songs from Apple, but I recently imported a song from outside of Apple. I've done this in the past with no issues. Basically it's me slightly editing an MP3 into a clean version. When I added the song a few weeks ago, everything worked great - no issues. I went in yesterday and tried to import a 2nd song and used the same method. It shows it uploaded but the song won't play. No sound is coming out. I went back to the song I added successfully a few weeks back and now it is silent too. All other 500+ songs work like normal. Has there been some change to imported songs that would have allowed it to work a few weeks ago but now it isn't any longer? I've used this app for the last 10 years with no issues and love it! I just am at a loss with this issue and was hoping someone could help me. Thank you!!