
Started by Walter66h, June 21, 2020, 12:04:29 AM

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How do I get a professional announce sir to pronounce my players

UpAllnite Software

Contact Donny Baarns at  His email contact is   You can see his background information and sports announcing experience on his website.  An example of his voice announcement is attached.

Please do a quick screenshot in the Walkout Song DJ app of the team you want announcements for.  Then do a voice memo on your phone with the proper pronunciation of your players.  Email those to Donny's contact email with any detail on how you want the announcement worded and he will create an announcement file for each player for around $4 per player.  He will send you MP3 announcement files in an email.  Tap on the files, open with Walkout songs to import, and pick announcement as the type.  Then for each player, tap the arrow to the right of their row, tap the announcement selector, pick imported file, and then pick the file you imported that matches the player.