Importing songs from iTunes library

Started by Kspires, April 20, 2017, 06:02:00 AM

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When I try to add more songs to the app by clicking the plus button then the iTunes library it keeps cycling back to the page. If I click on the imported songs it will advance to that page. I have everything in ITunes and have not had this problem.

UpAllnite Software

The iTunes song selector actually runs in the context of the iTunes music app and the cycle back is just a symptom that the ITunes music app is having problems and cannot present the selector. This has been reported to me a few times recently and I suspect a bug in the 10.3 version of the iTunes music app.

Try these steps one at a time to resolve:
1) Try opening the iTunes music app on your device to see if there are any error messages and refresh its database.
2) Double tap the home button and swipe kill the iTunes music app.  Then try to reopen the iTunes music app.
3) Power down and then restart your device to clear the memory state of the iTunes music app.


That did not work. I just noticed that the import song option is not working either.

UpAllnite Software

Hmmm... Now I'm not sure what is going on with it for the imported file browser not to work.  That has not been reported before.  Are you possibly having problems with running out of storage space on the device?


Not out of space 39 go available. I think the import is fine, I just forgot how to do it.

Any other ideas on getting the app to work?

UpAllnite Software

So you are still having a problem when selecting from the iTunes library within Walkout Song DJ, but you can open the Music app on the device without any issues?

And I assume this used to work for you but stopped working recently?


Yes correct.

Everything worked fine until last week, that is when I cannot access songs via ITunes library to import into the app. All songs currently in the app and the app all work. I just have to switch between the app and the music app to play the new downloaded songs.

UpAllnite Software

Ok, let's try this...  First make sure you have the latest version of Walkout Song DJ (2.3.1) and the latest version of iOS (10.3.1)

Next, open your settings app in iOS and look for the 'privacy' item and follow that.  Then look for "Media & Apple Music" item and follow that.   See if Walkout Songs is listed there and if the toggle switch is enabled or disabled.   It should be enabled for Walkout Songs to be able to access the iTunes library.  I suspect the switch is disabled.


The switch was disabled, not sure how it got that way...


UpAllnite Software

Yay, glad we figured it out!  Sorry it took me so long to figure out what was going on.

That privacy setting was added in iOS 10.  When you first tried to access the iTunes library after the iOS 10 update, it should have presented you with one of those messages "Walkout Songs requires access to your Music Library". If you accidentally tapped no instead of yes, then that's how it got disabled.