Adding Songs + Button and Situational Section Issues

Started by Jb, March 16, 2018, 11:56:47 AM

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The button was moved from the top of the screen to a red circle in the lower right quadrant of the screen. It is not in the way of editing song options.  Please put this button back to the top of the screen.

Also, when adding songs to the situational section, if the list has been scrolled to the bottom the add song window is cut off at the top of the screen and does not scroll down when the list is adjusted.

Thanks for following up and making this app the best it can be.  I use it for both baseball and basketball games.

UpAllnite Software

I had to move the add button to make room for the team menu trigger button. 

This solved two big problems in that most users where not aware that multiple team pages were available and also many users did not immediately see the add button and didn't know where to start.

On iPad screens there would still be room to have the 'add' button on the top of the screen, but not so much on phones.

I would prefer not to move it back, but would be willing to alter it's position and or size it there specific screen orientations where the add button in the lower right gets in the way of anything or makes it unworkable?

I do see the issue with the add song window going off screen with a long list of situations.   I will fix that in the next update.