Announcer import

Started by Cartc22, May 31, 2018, 07:26:16 AM

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I'm having problems getting mp3 files of announcements to import. The very first one I had shared from the music library into the announcement import section just fine. But now I can't get the rest to import. I'm having to mix the song and the announcement in a different app and then add that file to the player. Is there something I did wrong with the first one that locked the app from getting the rest?

UpAllnite Software

Is this issue with the Android or iOS version?

When you say you can't import the rest... at what point in the process does it fail?


Android. I imported the first one after trimming it. It gave me the walkout song dj app as an option to share to. It worked perfectly. When I selected in the app to add to a players song it worked fine but the timing was a little off because the trim at the end of the announcement was long. I deleted that announcement and trimmed the original file again but now it won't give me the app as a share destination. There's no add file option in the imported announcements section. I think that would remedy the problem. But for now I'm not sure what happened that it won't give me the app as a option to share to now.

UpAllnite Software

The option to share the file should only be based on the file type and the app you are trying to share it with.   

What app are you using to share the file with?  Is it the same app as you used the first time?

If you can email the file that is not working to, I can try it here and see if there is anything prohibiting Android from recognizing it as an audio file.


I'm trimming it in Best Mp3 Editor. It then saves it in the factory music app. But now when I go to share to an app Walkout Song Dj is not coming up. Like android isn't recognizing that app as an audio app. I'll email you the file just to make sure

UpAllnite Software

I suspect what happened is that at some point you opened a music file with some other app and selected the 'always' button so it no longer presents a choice to open with Walkout Song DJ. 

You can test that by going to your settings app, choosing apps or application manager, then tap the three dots on the top right and select "reset app preferences"


I might have done that. I'll take a look


There's no defaults set. But gmail is the only place that even recognizes walkout song dj when I try to share the file. Not sure where to go from here. Are there plans in the future to have an add file button I the announcement section like there is in the situational and between inning sections?

UpAllnite Software

I'm not sure what defaults you mean that are not set?   Have you tried just opening the file manager on the device, looking in the music files, tap on the trimmed file?  That should bring up the open with walkout songs option.   If it does not bring up that option and just opens the file in some other app, then you do have a preference set that you should be able to clear with the settings app like I described in my last response.

As for an add file to the imported announcement list...  I suppose I could add that in the future.  I will add that to the feature request list.

Since you are combining the song and announcement to one file, have you tried just adding your file as the players song rather than announcement?   Since Best mp3 editor adds the trimmed song to the Android music library, you should see the trimmed song in the Android music files.


That's what I've been doing. It brings up a menu of apps to share to. But the walkout app isn't on there. I've reset all app preferences and defaults. It just doesn't bring that one up. I got them in though. I had to entail each one and download it from the email. From my "Downloads" file it let me select the walkout app to share to. That's the only menu that would let me. But I did trim and mix the announcements over songs and got them in the app through the walkout screen as one file from my music library. Thank you for your help and very quick response. That add/import button in the announcements would help if we could go straight to the app and pick the location the mp3 file was coming from. ie. Music library.