Uploading music to Walkout Song DJ

Started by rtkeenan24, April 17, 2016, 10:15:58 AM

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The app will not let me upload music that I have from my Apple Music subscription. Why is this and what are my alternatives? Need music by tomorrow morning for our game tomorrow night!

UpAllnite Software

The app can currently only play music that is downloaded with unrestricted digital rights into the iTunes library on the device.  The two normal ways to get the songs into the iTunes library on the device are:

Purchase them from iTunes and tap the cloud down arrow button to get them local to the device.

Import songs in MP3 format into an iTunes app on a pc or Mac and then select and sync with the device.

Songs acquired from Apple Music, even when you tap the cloud down arrow button, are not accessible by third party apps on the device.  I believe this is due to an Apple digital rights protection issue where the artists only grant Apple the rights to play the songs in its music app.  You have basically paid only for the rights to play the music in that specific app.

I am currently investigating the possibility of accessing songs in Spotify libraries as I suspect that will have a shorter path to success than trying to access Apple Music.


I am having the same problem. I don't see a solution posted here and the OP was over 4 months ago. Is there a solution to using Apple Music or should I use iTunes Match etc?

UpAllnite Software

Unfortunately, there is still no support in Walkout Song DJ for using Apple Music songs.

I recently spent a couple weeks trying to get Apple music support working and the result was just not good enough to release. The Apple programming interfaces to support the playing of Apple Music songs were very recently added and are just too basic and limited to support the musical manipulation required for clipping, fading and other essential features of Walkout Song DJ. Yes, I could get them to play, but I would have to manipulate the volume of the whole device to do fades. That doesn't work when you need to start an audible player announcement during the fade.

Keep in mind that Apple Music Songs have digital rights protection because you are subscribing to a service rather than buying the rights to an individual song. Apple cannot provide third party apps with access to raw sound samples which could be rerecorded in original quality without protection.

I do think Apple will improve the interfaces to play Apple Music songs in the future. I will watch future iOS releases for the opportunity to add that support. I am also looking at the interfaces for Spotify as those look more promising in the short term and they have a much larger subscriber base

The simplest current solution for you is just to go to iTunes app (not the Music app) on your device and purchase the individual songs and download to your device.

There will be additional options in the new update to Walkout Songs DJ that is currently in beta test.   With the new version you can import songs that are emailed to you in mp3, m4a, and .aac format so you could request the team members purchase their songs and email them to you for import into Walkout Song DJ.

I expect to release the new version by the end of next week ~Feb 16th.

If you desperately need the new file import support, I could add your email to the beta list and you could try the app out before public release.


Has this issue been resolved, I notice some of my itunes music will play and some will not, when i purchased some directly from itunes some worked others did not, I have the subscription and was under the impression it worked with the app, if it does not, I have no use for the app as I don't want to purchase all these songs and also pay for my subscription.

UpAllnite Software

The issue with the App not being allowed to play songs from Apple Music subscription still exists... because frankly it is all in the hands of Apple.  I would love to resolve it as it is the majority of the complaints and support requests for the app.   As soon as Apple makes it an option, I will have an update to support it within days.

All songs you purchase from iTunes should work.  If you are having issues with that, I would recommend disabling the 'Show Apple Music' in the Music section of the iOS Settings applet.  Then for songs that don't work, delete the local copy and redownload from the cloud.

I do understand your impression that 'Apple Music' songs should work with the app... I'm right there with you.  But I do mention directly in the app description that they do not to try to avoid hassle for people. 

I have found an option that works to avoid having to buy songs you already have from Apple Music. On a MAC or PC, Download a free trial of this application:

That application will convert Apple Music subscription files to non-restricted mp3 files that you can then email to yourself and import to the app.

The only restriction on the trial version of that converter application is that it cuts the conversion at 3 minutes, but that is usually plenty of time to get the part of the song you need for the walkout.

If you still have no use for the app, feel free to request a refund from Apple, but please let them know that the reason is because they won't allow third party DJ style applications to play songs from your Apple Music subscription.


Where is the show Apple Music setting in iOS applet????   I've bought about $10 or more worth of songs now trying to get them to play.... the app says to go buy them and they'll work.   They don't!

UpAllnite Software

Find the gears app icon for the settings applet,  scroll down the left side to the music app icon, tap that.  On the right side should be a ‘show apple music’ toggle you can disable.  You should also disable the ‘icloud music toggle’ in that same page.  That is the switch that tells apple you are ok with them replacing your owned songs with their rights protected versions.

With those both off, you can go into the music app, find your purchased songs and tap the cloud icon to get them local to your device. 


I have the same problem and I did some search and find a way to convert m4p to mp3. You need a drm audio converter to save apple music songs as mp3 and then you can upload them to Walkout Song DJ.

UpAllnite Software

Yes, a drm converter can be used to change the encrypted mp4 files from Apple music to an mp3 file that can be imported by Walkout Song DJ.  However, that conversion is no longer required for the Apple version of Walkout Songs because direct support for Apple music songs was added to the app in spring of 2018.  The Android version would still require conversion because Apple has not yet provided an interface for third party apps on Android.


Thanks a lot. I am an Android user. Hope that someday Android can have the direct support too.


I paid for this app and have used it with Apple Music for years up until now. Even used it last softball season. Why would Apple chance it all the sudden to not be compatible?  I found a walkout songs dj pro which will upload Apple songs but it will not fade the music out like walkout songs dj used to and it doesn't have different  folders to put pre game, Inning break songs or situational songs in. You have to lump them all in one folder. Loved this app as it was perfect to use.

UpAllnite Software

Walkout song DJ on Apple devices still does work with Apple Music... Nothing has changed.  I assume you are getting some error when trying it now.  Could you email to walkoutsongdj@gmail.com with a screenshot of the error you are seeing?  Hopefully, we can get it figured out for you.