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Messages - AndrewDJ

Pages: [1]
Enhancement Requests / Re: Pregame Introductions
« on: June 04, 2024, 09:27:38 AM »
Thanks for getting back! Yep, that is what I am working on now is making a long announcement! Having a sperate announcement feature would allow a user to move the order if needed but more importantly if someone isn't at a game, I could remove them from the lineup without making a new long recording! Again, thanks for considering! Love the app for a while now!

Enhancement Requests / Pregame Introductions
« on: June 03, 2024, 09:20:52 PM »
Is it possible play a single song behind player announcements like a pregame introduction? Pretty similar setup to the walkout area, but the ability to record a single announcement recording up top like "Get on your feet for your HOME team.." playing a single song in the background while the announcements of each player are made "Batting left at shortstop Jane Smith". Thanks for considering!

Pages: [1]