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Topics - hlkelly

Pages: [1]
Enhancement Requests / Post-Game tab
« on: May 17, 2015, 09:31:46 pm »
I coach high school baseball & our current team of announcers have developed a post game routine of certain songs in a certain order. I would find value in a Post-Game tab, in addition to Pre-Game & Inning Break tabs. The post-game music plays while the players & coaches get the field ready for the following day. Since we will be using my iPad, they could start the Post-Game tab & leave it playing until we leave.

Thanks again,

Enhancement Requests / Multiple sounds per situation
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:15:04 pm »
I use multiple sound effects under situations such as
  • Base hit (2 sounds)
  • Pitching Changes (3 sounds)
  • Cheers (4 sounds)
  • Foulballs (4 sounds)
  • Great Plays (3 sounds)
  • Homeruns (3 sounds)
and so on.

It would be helpful for the sounds associated with its situation to be listed with the under the situation heading (on the Situations tab). This will allow the user to visually pick up the sounds quickly.


Pages: [1]