Is there an Android version of Walkout Song DJ?

Started by UpAllnite Software, December 25, 2013, 11:02:22 PM

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UpAllnite Software

At this time, there is no Android version of Walkout Song DJ...

The original target for Walkout Song DJ was the iPod and iPad because the iTunes music library makes a great existing source for the Walkout music.

It would not be very difficult to port the code over to Android so it could be done if there is enough demand.

Please comment on this thread if you are part of the demand for an Android version.

When enough demand is demonstrated, it will be created.


I would be extremely interested in an Android version.
I work at a high school in Arizona and announce the JV and Varsity games. As well as my youngest son's Little League games. No Mac devices in the entire district and have a Nexus7 tablet I could use but just need the App.


i too would love an android version.



UpAllnite Software

It appears we are finally gaining some momentum on the Android version demand  :)

We will have to start investigating the logistics of that translation.


Great let me know if you need me to beta test.



I just found out about this app from another team. I would love an android version. Will one be coming out soon?

UpAllnite Software

I think one may come out eventually, but i haven't started on it yet.  App writing is just a hobby for me and life recently hasn't allowed a lot of time for hobbling.


Please, please, please release and Android version!

Lots of demand in SE Pennsylvania!

UpAllnite Software

I plan on starting the Andriod version this spring, but I have no clue how long it will take.   I will try to post status updates here and on the facebook page as progress is made.


THANKS!!!!  Please keep us posted, really looking forward to Android version!!

UpAllnite Software

Thanks for the interest in the Walkout Song DJ For Android.  I did finally start work on the Android version two weeks ago.  I am currently working on finding the parallel user interface controls in Android that closest match the ones I used in iOS. That turns out to be a pretty frustrating battle because of the rapid evolution of the Android controls.  I search for a control and find something that seems like it should work only to find that method is deprecated and something else has taken its place.  Oh well, i guess slow progress is way better than no progress.  :)


Quote from: UpAllnite Software on April 21, 2017, 05:48:26 AM
Thanks for the interest in the Walkout Song DJ For Android.  I did finally start work on the Android version two weeks ago.  I am currently working on finding the parallel user interface controls in Android that closest match the ones I used in iOS. That turns out to be a pretty frustrating battle because of the rapid evolution of the Android controls.  I search for a control and find something that seems like it should work only to find that method is deprecated and something else has taken its place.  Oh well, i guess slow progress is way better than no progress. :)

Awesome to hear. Add me to the list of people looking forward to the Android version!

UpAllnite Software

Just in case there are still people following this thread...   the Android version was released a couple weeks ago and has had several rounds of polishing releases to get something pretty stable at this point.


I need help with android also cant play music