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Issue Reporting / Music download error
Last post by Jfeleniak - July 09, 2024, 03:21:11 PM
Good afternoon,
I am experiencing a downloading error in the simple song collector. See attached imaged notification at bottom of screen.

We have a game in 2 hours. Please help!
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling through ballpark dj
Thank you,
Jacquelyn Feleniak
Enhancement Requests / Re: Walkout Section - ABC and/...
Last post by UpAllnite Software - July 08, 2024, 12:34:43 PM
I think that could be done...  I will add it to the todo list for updates.
Enhancement Requests / Walkout Section - ABC and/or S...
Last post by BBattiste - July 08, 2024, 11:41:44 AM

I love the app and use it religiously (a lot). I have a general 'Away team' team that I house a bunch of random walkout songs for opposing players. Can an additional sort option be added in addition to the number and player option? I'm hoping to sort the songs by artist name or have a shuffle option.

I appreciate the consideration.

Enhancement Requests / Re: Button Size and Placement
Last post by UpAllnite Software - June 22, 2024, 08:12:03 PM
There actually already is a fade button at the top during playback..  It should be just to the right of the play/stop button and shaped like descending bars.

I will add your button size requests to the todo list.
Enhancement Requests / Button Size and Placement
Last post by Geedubbya - June 22, 2024, 08:14:33 AM
I'm very much enjoying the app and the kids are having a ball with it.

I find the controls to be a little too hard to access for my Homer thumbs. The play button is sometimes a little difficult to press quickly. Because the timing of our changes isn't as crisp as it might be, we do the announcements first and then play the walk up music until the player is set at the plate. This means that the sequence isn't automatic and I actually have to press stop when I want the music to stop.It  would be great if there was a Fade feature so it doesn't end abruptly and of course larger stop button. Also, the tiny button is located at the top the screen which is a little out of the way. It would be great if it was a large prominent button.

General Discussion / Unconventional Use of Walkout ...
Last post by Jessefuers - June 21, 2024, 06:16:50 AM
Has anyone ever tried using walkout songs in a virtual meeting or online event? I'm curious if this could be a fun way to introduce speakers or team members. Any tips on how to implement this using different platforms?
General Discussion / Alien Sounds in Walkout Song D...
Last post by Jessefuers - June 21, 2024, 05:58:33 AM
My Walkout Song DJ on my Windows laptop is producing strange, almost alien-like sounds during playback. There is no issue with the songs themselves as they play normally on other devices. Has anyone experienced this before and found a solution? Or is my laptop being hacked by extraterrestrials?
General Discussion / Re: Accidentally deleted playe...
Last post by UpAllnite Software - June 19, 2024, 09:41:32 AM
No, there is no 'recycle bin' in the app.  What you delete is removed from database and no longer retrievable.   I have considered that feature, but it seems if accidentally done, it is usually just one player and that player shouldn't be that hard to recreate unless there is some piece of data you are missing that I had not considered.
General Discussion / Accidentally deleted player
Last post by SquirrelJenkins - June 19, 2024, 09:18:45 AM
Is there a way to retrieve a player you accidentally deleted?
The latest version is not returning any errors in a test I just ran minutes ago.  Please email to, with a screenshot of the error message you are getting and a view from your Android file manager of your downloads folder where you installed the latest version of the song collector from.